Using a Philips SpeechMike With Dragon for Mac v5

  SpeechControl Hotfix for Mac When Dragon® for Mac v5 was first released, there was a compatibility issue between Philips® SpeechControl for Mac® and Dragon that disabled the SpeechMike buttons for use in that application. The previous workaround was to use keyboard mode to perform limited functions. Philips has now released a hotfix for Dragon for…


How Many Computers Can I Install Dragon NaturallySpeaking v13 Professional On?

How many computers can you install Dragon NaturallySpeaking v13 Professional on using a single license? Dragon® NaturallySpeaking v13 Professional and Legal editions can be installed initially on up to 4 computers before you will receive a license error. Technically, Nuance® will allow you to install the applications on up to 10 computers, but you will…
