Is there a way of stopping the Philips SpeechExec Pro software from automatically storing archived dictations into seperate directories based on the date?

Unfortunately not, the daily subfolder property of the Archive folder cannot be changed. However, under the folder properties for the Archive folderyou can select to viewall dictations”. Verification Source: In house testing & Jackie Warren with Philips Technical Support Test Date: 10.3.11


Is there a way to have the settings in the Philips Speech Control application stay the same for All Users on a particular workstation?

The only way that I know how to accomplish this is to create a login script that will replace the local user’s copy of the Philips Device Control Center configuration file with on from a network share.  In that way, the customized configuration file can follow the user from PC to PC. Check with you…


Is there a way to keep all of the Wave data when transcribing audio files through Dragon NaturallySpeaking v11?

Synopsis: When using the Transcribe feature in Dragon NaturallySpeaking, a user opens a WAV file to transcribe.  When a correction is made, Dragon will delete the syncronized audio.  Question: Can we tell Dragon to preserve that data? Answer: Yes, on your DragonBar, go to Tools > Options > Data > Advanced a select ‘Always Preserve…


Is there a way to program the Olympus DirectRec to move to a ‘Previous Variable’ within Dragon?

When using an Olympus DirectRec, a popular command to program is the ‘Next Variable’ or ‘Next Feild’ command.  This is a fairly simple configuration because the ‘Next Variable’ command has a built-in hotkey within Dragon.  The ‘Previous Variable’ or ‘Previous Field’ is another popular command that Dragon users use while working with Templates.  The problem…


Is there a way to program the Philips SEP Transcribe software to add ALL files to the speech recognition que?

Synopsis:  I’ve configured to Philips SpeechExec Pro v7 Transcription Module to automatically sync with Outlook to import all .dss & .ds2 files.   Question: Is there a way to automatically add the imported files from my Inbox into the recognition que.  class=MsoPlainText>  Answer: Unfortunately, NO.  At this point, it is not possible to add ALL audio files to the speech recognition que. …


Is there a way to program the Philips SpeechMike to move to a 'Previous Variable' within Dragon?

When using a Philips SpeechMike, a popular command to program is the ‘Next Variable’ or ‘Next Feild’ command.  This is a fairly simple configuration because the ‘Next Variable’ command has a built-in hotkey within Dragon.  The ‘Previous Variable’ or ‘Previous Field’ is another popular command that Dragon users use while working with Templates.  The problem…
