Where can I find a Dragon Medical Enterprise v10.1 feature & data sheet?

For your convenience, I have attached the Dragon Medical Enterprise v10.1 Data & Feature sheet. http://www.zazaknowledge.com/resources//13756/Nuance/Dragon Medical Enterprise/Dragon_Medical_v10_Enterprise Product Sheet.pdf http://www.zazaknowledge.com/resources//13756/Nuance/Dragon Medical Enterprise/Dragon_Medical_v10_Enterprise_Feature_Sheet.pdf


Where can I find a Dragon Medical Small Practice v10.1 feature & data sheet?

For your convenience, I have attached the Dragon Medical Small Practice  v10.1 Data & Feature sheet. http://www.zazaknowledge.com/resources//13756/Nuance/Dragon Medical Small Practice/Dragon_Medical_v10_Small_Practice Product Sheet.pdf http://www.zazaknowledge.com/resources//13756/Nuance/Dragon Medical Small Practice/Dragon_Medical_v10_Small_Practice_Feature_Sheet.pdf


Where can I find a list of all Shortcut Keys available in Microsoft Office Word?

Below is a list of all Shortcut Keys available in Microsoft Word: COMMAND NAME SHORTCUT KEYS  All Caps CTRL+SHIFT+A Annotation ALT+CTRL+M App Maximize ALT+F10 App Restore   ALT+F5 Apply Heading1  ALT+CTRL+1 Apply Heading2  ALT+CTRL+2 Apply Heading3  ALT+CTRL+3 Apply List Bullet  CTRL+SHIFT+L Auto Format   ALT+CTRL+K Auto Text   F3 or ALT+CTRL+V Bold  CTRL+B or CTRL+SHIFT+B Bookmark   CTRL+SHIFT+F5 Browse NextCTRL+PAGE DOWN Browse Previous   CTRL+PAGE UP Browse Sel   ALT+CTRL+HOME Cancel ESC Center Para CTRL+E…


Where can I find additional information on the NEW Olympus LS-20M?

Olympus has recently (June 2011) released a new linear PCM recorder with a full color LCD and high-res recording (video & audio) capability.  I have attached documentation explaining the features, highlights and specifications for this new device.  http://www.zazaknowledge.com/resources//13756/Olympus/Documentation/LS-20M Features.doc http://www.zazaknowledge.com/resources//13756/Olympus/Documentation/LS-20M Highlights & Overview.doc http://www.zazaknowledge.com/resources//13756/Olympus/Documentation/LS-20M Specs.doc Verification Source: In-house Testing


What Healthcare challenges does Dragon Medical v10.1 solve?

Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems offer the poten­tial to dramatically improve the cost and quality of health­care. Despite their potential, however, EMR software is used by only 20% of clinicians in the U.S. today1—and less than 5% in small practices. Adoption is slower than expected in part due to: Dramatically slower physician productivity in documenting…
