Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems offer the potential to dramatically improve the cost and quality of healthcare. Despite their potential, however, EMR software is used by only 20% of clinicians in the U.S. today1—and less than 5% in small practices. Adoption is slower than expected in part due to:
- Dramatically slower physician productivity in documenting and providing care. EMR systems on average take clinicians longer to document a patient encounter as compared to traditional paper methods.
- Lower-quality patient notes due to the reliance on an EMR’spoint and click, rigid clinical templates. Without a correspondingpatient narrative—a description of the clinician’s findings, thoughts, assessment and plan, ormedical decision-making—the patient note will be incomplete and satisfy neither clinician providing care nor ancillary providers.
A new, assistive technology is needed to facilitate EMR adoption, which would address clinician productivity, clinician and patient satisfaction and quality of medical record concerns.
Dragon Medical 10 is a mission-critical, enterprise speech recognition solution for all physicians, used in physician practices, hospitals, or other healthcare provider organizations. It accelerates EMR adoption, helping clinicians to navigate industrial-strength EMR packages quickly to review lab tests or past medical history while documenting care anywhere in the record.
Dragon Medical 10’s seamless integration with all commercial EMR packages, medical specialty vocabularies and regional accent tools, and numerous other features make physicians more productive, delivering the highest quality of care while improving outcomes and economics across an entire health care enterprise.
Verification Source: 2006 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survery (NAMCS)