The Philips SpeechExec Pro version 7.1 dictation/transcription software allows for two activations of each license key.
- The first activation is considered the full license.
- The second activation is considered the emergency license and will only be valid for 30 days.
The emergency activation was added because unfortunately, computers can get a virus or experience a drive crash at some point in the life of the computer. Philips didn’t want to leave its customers without a working solution while a computer issue was being resolved.
If you experience this issue, your Philips reseller can have your license reset. Please contact them with a description of your problem and a picture of your license number. A picture is preferable, because it helps eliminate typos. From there, they should be able to facilitate a license reset for you, which will allow you to activate and use your SpeechExec software.
Verification Source/Date
Philips Technical Support, 4/2012