How to reconfigure the 4-position slide switch on a Philips 9600 Digital Pocket Memo


This ‘How to’ guide will walk you through the process of reconfiguring the 4-posistion slide switch. In some cases, the 9600 slide switch indicator on the LCD may become reassigned and/or the Rec level indicator may completely disappear. This is an indication that the LCD indicator settings have reconfigured themselves to the European LCD format, this can happen after a firmware upgrade or if the 9600 has been incorrectly detected by the SpeechExec Pro software. We will show you how to correct the slide-switch reassignment. Illustrated screen shots have been included for your convenience.

STEP 1: Confirm the proper slide switch assignment on the LCD

1. The below image show the correct and incorrect display of a Philips 9600 DPM
picture with text

STEP 2: Close all running SpeechExec Pro applications

STEP 3: Open & Unzip the Repair Tool

1.  Attached, you will find an executable repair tool, that will diagnose and repair the LCD. Double click on the application to start the program


Connect your Philips 9600 DPM

3.  Press [Exit]

picture 2