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Is There an ODMS Trial?

There is a 60 day trial available for the Olympus Dictation Management System software, commonly known as ODMS. Whether you want to test out the Dictation or Transcription Modules, all you need is a copy of the software.

This trial is a full-featured version of ODMS. That means that there’s no difference between the trial and the purchased application—other than licensing.

Computer Environment

  • Windows 7, 8, 10
  • ODMS R6.4 Dictation/Transcription Module


How to Get the ODMS R6.4 Trial

1) Run the ODMS R6.4 installation wizard.

2) When you get to the screen that asks for a license, leave the fields blank. Click [Next].

ODMS R6 Installation - License verification screen

3) You will be prompted to install ODMS in trial mode. Click [Yes].

ODMS R6 Installation in trial mode

4) Select the module you want to test out and click [Next].

ODMS R6 Installation - Choosing between dictation and transcription

Your installation will proceed as if you had a license number. You have 60 days to try out either the Dictation Module or the Transcription Module. If you need a trial of both applications, you will need to uninstall one module before you try the other one.

Source and Verification Date

Internal testing, 3/2017

Need Help With Olympus Dictation or Transcription Software?

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If you’re ready to implement a new Olympus dictation/transcription workflow in your office or clinic, we can help. Let us know what you have in mind, and we’ll help you put together a solution that meets your dictation needs. Click the button below to get started.