You can update and verify the firmware on an Olympus DM-4 digital recorder by following the below steps.
To update the firware version of the DM-4 or DM-2, do the following:
1. Download the update file from our FTP site:
User Name: prodealer
Password: 4edist
File Location: /eDist Download/Olympus/Firmware/DM2 and DM4 Firmware Update/v1.30/DM2_4_FWUPDATE_V130.exe
2. Open the update zip file to unpack the update fileDM2_4_FWUPDATE_V130.exe.”
3. Connect the recorder to a computer running a supported operating system using the USB cable packaged with the recorder. The display will automatically change once the recorder is detected.
4. Follow the on-screen prompts.
5. When the update is complete, disconnect the recorder and verify that the firmware version has changed to the new version number.
To check the firmware version of the DM-4 or DM-2, do the following:
1. From the Home display, press the [+] button to select Preferences, and then press the [OK] button.
2. Press [+] to select System Menu, and then press [OK].
3. Press [+] to select System Info, and then press [OK]. This screen will display the model number, firmware version and serial number of the recorder.
Verification Source: In house testing
Test Date: 1.16.12