You may find it easier to install Dictation and/or Transcription Modules in workgroup mode using a silent script (aka unattended script). In the example below I have provided an example of how to write one.
msiexec.exe /I Dssplayer.msi SYSTEM=WORKGROUP REPOSITORY=L:OLYMPUS_Repository SETTING=INDIVIDUAL LM= MODULE=TM /qn /l*v install.log
Now that you have seen the example let me expain a few things about developing such scripts.
First you must run the script from the location in which the dssplayer.msi resides. This is going to be in the DSS Player Pro directory. You will want to copy the directory from the CD to a directory on a shared drives that has write and execute privledges. This is because you need to execute the command and you want to have a log file written to that directory in case of a failure. See our KB article on a ‘What is a Repository’ for examples of setting permisions on shared directories.
The first part of the script states that you want to