Does the Player Pro support files recorded on a Blackberry?
Yes, the Olympus DSS Player Pro will support files recorded on a Blackberry (.amr) by installing a codec on the DM/TM. However; for the users to be able to play the .amr files, those files have to be downloaded from email and imported to the DM/TM software manually. In order to automate the process by allowing the TM to automatically receieve the .amr file, we plan on making the neccesary improvements in later releass.
In the meantime, we have created a solution via a software patch, R5010Patch0004.exe, available on the Olympus FTP site that will add the .amr extension to the list of files to receive in the TM and make it available for selection by the transcriptionist.
Below are the steps needed to make this solution work.
1. Install .AMR codec on the PC (
2. Install the software patch, R5010Patch0004.exe.
3. Import or copy a Blackberry file to the TM. (Software will add the .amr checkbox to the list of file type extensions)
4. Make sure to check theAMR” checkbox if you would like to receive .amr file automatically into the TM.

Verification Source: Olympus Product Manager