Question: What enhancements does the PLUS upgrade to DSS Player Pro offer?
Purchasing the DSS Player Pro PLUS upgrade adds the following features to the version of DSS Player Pro bundled with the DS-2200:
- Splitting files–Individual audio files can be split into smaller units. This is especially useful if a file is longer than the capacity of an audio CD used for archiving.
- Joining files–Individual audio files can be joined together into a longer single file. This is useful when there are many short recordings on a similar topic that would be more convenient to archive or share as a single audio file. Files that are to be joined must be recorded in the same quality mode (SP or LP).
- Voice Recognition–Creates compatibility with voice-to-text applications IBM ViaVoice® 10 or Dragon NaturallySpeaking® 8 and 9. Dragon naturallySpeaking 9 compatibility requires the DSS Player Pro Release 4 Update Version 4.8.5, available here.
DSS Player for Macintosh(tm) does not require the PLUS upgrade since the Split and Join Files functions are built-in. There is no Voice Recognition function because there are no DSS-compatible voice-to-text applications available for Mac(tm) operating systems
Verification Source: Olympus Website