The Olympus DM-620 Digital Voice Recorder was introduced in March of 2011. This new Olympus device will replace the DM520 digital voice recorder.
The differences I found are as follows (in favor of the DM-620)
- Tresmic: 3 microphone system offering Ultra Quality Sound with a wider recording range, compared to the DM520 which only had 2 microphones.
- Improved Ergonomics: The new model offers a bigger display with all buttons on the front providing easier operation.
- Multiple Language Display: Now supports 4 language options (EN, FR, ES, PT), compared to the DM520 which supported 3 languages
- Battery Cover: The battery cover is now Non-Removable, compared to the DM520 which had a removable cover.
- Larger LCD: The new LCD is 1.69 inches, compared to the DM520 with a 1.57 inch LCD.
- Function Buttons: The DM620 includes 2 function buttons, compared to the DM520 which had no function buttons
Every other feature was the same.
Verification Source: In-house testing