Like most of you, I am constantly asked, “Why should I purchase Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional over the Preferred (Premium) version of Dragon?”
To help, below is a list of features that are not included in the Preferred (Premium) version of Dragon NaturallySpeaking. These are key features only available in the Professional edition of Dragon speech-to-text software.
1. Roaming Profiles: The roaming feature lets users dictate with Dragon from different network locations and on different machines without having to create and train individual user profiles at each location.
2. Template with Voice Fields: These are templates for any application, with fields for common variable information that you can fill in by voice.
3. Auto Transcribe Folder Agent (.DRA creation): The AutoTranscribe Folder Agent, commonly known as the ATFA, automatically transcribes recordings copied to a specified directory. The ATFA lets you select a specific Dragon user profile to use to transcribe the files copied to that directory.
4. Saving Synchronized Audio: This feature will allows users to save the synchronized audio portion with the text document to review later.
5. Advanced Custom Commands: Includes Step-by-Step, Marco Recorder, Dynamic Variable & Advanced Scripting commands.
6. Correction Only Mode: This feature enables a transcriptionist to play back a Dragon user’s dictation without having their User Profile loaded.
7. Multiple Vocabularies: With multiple vocabularies, users can improve accuracy by having Dragon recognize words and phrases correctly based not only on the sound of the words and phrases, but also on their context.
8. Third-Party Correction: This feature will allow someone, other than the author. to make corrections to a users profile. This is very common practice within the Professional dictation communities.
9. Import/Export Custom Commands: You can share custom commands with other user profiles by exporting them to a file and then having the other user import that file.
10. Voice Notations: Voice notations allow users to add text to your document that can later be deleted using Microsoft Word’s Accept/Reject change functionality.
11. Section 508 Compliancy: This ensures that Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional and higher meet the guidelines set in 1998 by US Congress for the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Verification Source: Nuance documentation