All good things must come to an end and the end for Philips SpeechExec Pro Version 5 was on July 1, 2013 as it is now officially retired from service support.
We had a great run with version 5 but there is something so much better now available, SpeechExec Pro Version 7.5. If you are one of the thousands of users who haven’t upgraded, now is the time. Say goodbye to that SmartKey forever and enjoy the new Web Licensing, just one of several new features found in SpeechExec Pro v7.5.
When a manufacturer retires a product from service support, they discontinue the development of updates, OS patches and technical support so they can focus their time and resources on their new line of products. We strongly encourage all Philips SpeechExec Pro v5 users to upgrade to SpeechExec Pro v7.5 immediately. Contact your Certified Philips Dealer for upgrade information. If you do not have a dealer, we will partner you with one of our Elite Certified Dealers throughout North America.
Don’t just let end of support be the reason you upgrade. The new version of SpeechExec Pro is loaded with tons of new features and enhancements. Everything from a New User Interface, Enhanced Speech Recognition Support, Template Integration, Support for specific Olympus devices, New License Concept and so much more.
Philips Speech Processing Solution introduced Trial Downloads with SpeechExec Version 7.5, making it easier than ever for users to immediately begin taking advantages Philips’ best voice professional processing software to date and I should know, I’ve been supporting it since its conception.
Click Here to download a 30 day trial of SpeechExec Pro v7.5
Verification Source: Speech Processing Solutions Partner Release Annoucement
Posting Date: August 20, 2013