What are the system requirements for Dragon NaturallySpeaking v11.5 Professional Edition?

The install process checks that your system meets the minimum requirements; if they are not met, Dragon NaturallySpeaking will not be installed.  • CPU: minimum 1 GHz Intel® Pentium® or equivalent AMD processor or 1.66 GHz Intel® Atom® processor. We recommend  1.8 GHz Intel Dual Core(tm) or equivalent AMD processor. (IMPORTANT: SSE2 instruction set required). • Processor…

What do I do if I lose a Dragon Naturally Speaking License number and need it replaced?

Date last updated:  8/22/2011 Problem:  You Dragon installation fails and you have misplaced your Dragon Naturally Speaking disc and license information. Solution: We at eDist can help you with software however it is not possible for us to give out licenses unless special circumstances exist. For lost or missing serial numbers, please contact Nuance Customer Service…

What exactly is VB Compliancy?

Question: In the Nuance documentation, it mentions VB Compliancy, what is VB?Visual Basic (VB) is the third-generation event-driven programming language and integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft for its COM programming model. VB is also considered a relatively easy to learn and use programming language, because of its graphical development features and BASIC heritage.[1]Visual Basic…

Features of Dragon Professional vs Dragon Preferred (Premium)

Like most of you, I am constantly asked, “Why should I purchase Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional over the Preferred (Premium) version of Dragon?” To help, below is a list of features that are not included in the Preferred (Premium) version of Dragon NaturallySpeaking. These are key features only available in the Professional edition of Dragon speech-to-text…